
Better for planet. Better for people. Better together.

Welcome to Together Tomorrow, where all our activities for the world and each other come together. We are on a journey together, because only then can we realize real and lasting change. Whether it concerns products, people, sustainability or the well-being of employees, our ambitions are high. More than ever, we are committed to making a positive impact, for the world and for each other. Each year we publish our sustainability performance via an annual report.

Ambitions & Initiatives

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Since the implementation of our Sustainability Strategy in 2015, we are striving and growing to add social value and reduce our environmental impact. Based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, we identified three main challenges: workplace, environment and community. We take these aspirational goals seriously and want to find the right balance between people, planet and our product.
Employees throughout our value-chain must feel safe, healthy, equally treated and developed and stimulated in an environment where diversity and equality prevail. 
We want to act environmentally consciously. By using resources efficiently, challenging limits and contributing to the positive affects on climate and biodiversity, we want to create the best conditions for the future. 
By working closely with our suppliers, we are committed to solve sustainability challenges that are present within our context and the countries they produce in. 
By 2024 we want to:
  • ensure fair working conditions for 65,000 workers worldwide
  • reduce our environmental impact by 20%
  • empower employees and customers to live a more healthy, sustainable and animal-friendly lifestyle
To ensure the achievement of these goals, we follow 8 commitments:
  • supply chain transparency
  • positive social impact
  • diversity & equality
  • workforce well-being
  • reduce environmental impact
  • design sustainable products & collections
  • employee well-being
  • animal welfare
We are constantly improving and implementing steps to guarantee that our social responsibility is integrated into every aspect of our business.

Latest Achievements

In 2020, significant progress has been made. Besides the launch of Together Tomorrow, we have even more highlights to be proud of.
We have signed the UN Women Empowerment principles and started to enhance gender diversity and equality. Further, we continued to implement the UNICEF Better Business for Children initiative in Bangladesh. 10 % of our products were sourced with more sustainable materials. All plastic shoppers were replaced by recycled polybags.

We are on the move to achieve more! Join and help us to brighten the future for all us.

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